Remedy Rub Guide
[ tips, dosage and formula ]
Tip 1: How to get faster relief (with more intense strength)
For arthritis and muscle injuries, apply a steamed cloth (as hot as you can stand it) and keep it over the area for about 3-5 minutes before applying Remedy Rub.
The balm’s cooling effect helps relieve inflammation and swelling. The heating effect breaks up any stiffness in muscles and joints.
Applying steam to the affected area opens up the pores for faster absorption. Heat relaxes the muscles, allowing the heating/cooling effects of the oils to permeate and deliver cannabinoids to the receptor sites faster.
You can also apply the balm right after a hot shower or bath. Or you could run warm water over your affected muscles. Pat dry and apply Remedy Rub.
This method also amplifies the strength of the Remedy Rub; so you would need to use less of it.
Tip 2: Make it last longer without having to reapply
Set aside designated Remedy Rub attire.
If your back is injured, have a designated undershirt. If your knee or elbow is injured, you can use an elastic compression bandage to wrap around the injury.
First, apply a thick layer of Remedy Rub to the injury. Then put on your Remedy Rub attire. When you do this, the excess balm rubs onto the wrap or undershirt and delivers constant heating/cooling relief to your knees, elbows and back throughout the day.
This method works well for sports. Apply Remedy Rub before workouts and you’ll feel it kick into high gear as you start to sweat. It helps add extra agility to your performance.
Because the balm is antibacterial and antimicrobial, you can reuse your Remedy Rub attire several times before having to wash it.
Tip 3: Rub behind your joints
For joint pain, rub behind the joints.
Knee pain, for example, might be felt toward the front under the kneecaps. Apply Remedy Rub where you feel pain in the front, but also rub it behind your knee. The skin and tissues behind the knees and elbows are softer, allowing easier access for the heating/cooling oils and cannabinoids to permeate.
Tip 4: Athletic warm up
Apply balm before working out or playing sports. We rub on our shoulders and knees before hitting the slopes. This gives us extra agility so we can snowboard longer. We’re not sixteen anymore but we definitely ride like it.
Use tip 2 so you get a slow release throughout the day. The more you sweat the more you activate the balm (while making it last longer).
Tip 5: Heal wounds faster
The Remedy Rub’s ingredients naturally fight off bacteria and infection. Some of our customers use Remedy Rub to seal up their open wounds and heal faster (see The Technology of Remedy Rub below).
Tip 6: Relieve itch
The analgesic effect of Remedy Rub eases itchiness, stings, swelling and irritation from insect bites, healing wounds, dry skin, tattoos (see tip 8).
Tip 7: Clear congestion and minor headaches
The strong menthol helps open up sinus passages.
Rub a small amount of Remedy Rub between your thumb and index finger. Inhale as slow as you can to break up sinus blockages and release pressure in your head.
It’s strong, so if you’re sensitive be careful not to smudge the balm inside your nose.
Tip 8: Make your tattoos shine
Remedy Rub eases the sting of fresh tattoos and makes the colors pop.
Fresh tattoos can be itchy and irritating. Apply Remedy Rub to nourish deep into the layers of your skin. The analgesic effect of the balm will get rid of the urge to constantly scratch. Plus, your ink will look more vibrant through nourished skin. This also works on aged ink.
Recommended Dosage
Apply enough Remedy Rub to coat the entire injured area. Use tip 1 to get faster absorption. If you’re in a lot of pain, apply a thick layer of balm and wait at least 20 minutes before reapplying. The first application carves a path through the skin layers and muscle tissue. The second application will be stronger because the heating/cooling oils permeate deeper through the pre-carved pathways. Use tip 2 if you’re able to wrap the injury or wear underlayers to get the most out of your Remedy Rub.
The Technology of Remedy Rub
Months worth of research went into creating the Remedy Rub.
We do intense sports so we’re no strangers to pulled back and neck muscles and frequent sprains/strains. So we needed a quick remedy that filled two key requirements:
Requirement 1: Shoulder and knee injuries are some of the worst because they’re deep and hard to reach. We need something that permeates through muscle tissue, cartilage, and Alex’s heavy-duty, thick skin (Siberian genetics).
Requirement 2: No petroleum, chemicals, hexane oils, surfactants, emulsifiers, preservatives, additives, phenoxyethanol (common nerve disruptor), artificial ingredients, synthetics, pesticides and nothing you can’t ingest. Nothing on the market met these requirements. So we made our own formula.
We never thought to sell it initially. It was just something we used on ourselves and shared with friends. On a whim we thought we’d see if it would help other people in our town. Then it sorta took off.
Word spread about the Remedy Rub and we’ve had everyone from athletes, chemo patients, and karate senseis mitigate their pain and regain movement in their back and joints.
Locals in our town have told us they use it for arthritis, bursitis, back pain from a car accident, knee pain from cancer and radiation therapy, and sleep deprivation due to chronic pain.
Our sports community of longboarders, snowboarders, rollerbladers and derby skaters use it for their many insane knee/elbow/shoulder injuries, rainbow bruises and nasty road rash incidents.
We’ve even had a woodworker tell us about his run-in with an industrial router tool. His finger got caught in the spinning blades, shredding up the tip of his finger through the nail. He kept putting Remedy Rub on it and told us it helped heal his finger in record time.
The Remedy Rub Formula:
Local organic beeswax: Beeswax is known for its antiseptic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It creates a protective barrier that seals in moisture and shields skin against bacteria.
Organic coconut oil: Like beeswax, coconut oil is anti-microbial. Lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil permeate the deepest layers of skin. These acids fight off microbial infections from within — which helps to repair deeps cuts and road rash.
Full spectrum extract from organically grown hemp flower: Cannabinoids are shown in clinical trials to relieve pain and help the body recover faster by working with your body’s own endocannabinoid system. Studies have also shown cannabinoids fight off the most potent, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as Staph infection (See study below: 1). You can learn about some profound cannabinoid studies in our Kinetic Gate research paper: How CBD Affects The Brain (PDF).
Clove bud oil: Clove bud oil heats up the area around the injury. This opens up the pores creating a pathway for cannabinoids to permeate through the layers of skin, deep into the muscle tissue and cartilage, and into the hard-to-reach shoulder and knee joints. Heating also increases blood flow to injured areas, helping it to heal faster. A key component of clove is a substance called beta-caryophyllene (β-caryophyllene). Studies show β-caryophyllene further helps to relieve pain and inflammation (See study below: 2).
Menthol and peppermint oil: These two ingredients anesthetize injured areas. They also ease the swelling and allow cannabinoids’ easy access to receptor sites in the body. A key component of these two ingredients is menthone. According to research into rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment, menthone has been found to be anti-inflammatory and shows potential for RA treatment (See study below: 3).
1. Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study
2. Caryophyllene
3. A Natural Plant Ingredient, Menthone, Regulates T Cell Subtypes and Lowers Pro-inflammatory Cytokines of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Remedy Rub
Intense Heating/Cooling Pain Relief
1,200mg CBD • 2oz
- Helps release tension in muscles — great for minor back, shoulder and neck pain.
- Long lasting Extra Strength
- Full Spectrum Cannabinoids — CBD, CBDV, CBG, CBC, <.3% THC
- Stainless steel container (not aluminum) — so go ahead and reuse it for any of your food grade projects! You can also stick it to a magnet on your fridge.
The Remedy Rub calms achy joints, swelling, bruises and muscle stiffness. Intense heating/cooling helps absorb cannabinoids into the body for localized pain relief.
Ingredients: Local organic beeswax, organic coconut oil, full spectrum extract from organically grown hemp flower, blend of clove bud oil, menthol and peppermint oil.
Remedy Rub
Intense Heating/Cooling Pain Relief
1,200mg CBD • 2oz
- Helps release tension in muscles — great for minor back, shoulder and neck pain.
- Long lasting Extra Strength
- Full Spectrum Cannabinoids — CBD, CBDV, CBG, CBC, <.3% THC
- Stainless steel container (not aluminum) — so go ahead and reuse it for any of your food grade projects! You can also stick it to a magnet on your fridge.
The Remedy Rub calms achy joints, swelling, bruises and muscle stiffness. Intense heating/cooling helps absorb cannabinoids into the body for localized pain relief.
Ingredients: Local organic beeswax, organic coconut oil, full spectrum extract from organically grown hemp flower, blend of clove bud oil, menthol and peppermint oil.
100% of profits go toward causes:
Inner Peace Mission
Kinetic Gate is a grassroots nonprofit owned and operated by locals from Taos, NM. Our mission and life’s work is to bring forth practical ways to center yourself, no matter how chaotic life gets.
Compassion For Animals
We love animals and we’re stoked to contribute to wildlife hospitals and humane shelters. Animals play a huge part of our Inner Peace Mission: They show us how to play and how to be present.
100% of profits go toward causes:
Inner Peace Mission
Kinetic Gate is a grassroots nonprofit owned and operated by locals from Taos, NM. Our mission and life’s work is to bring forth practical ways to center yourself, no matter how chaotic life gets.
Compassion For Animals
We love animals and we’re stoked to contribute to wildlife hospitals and humane shelters. Animals play a huge part of our Inner Peace Mission: They show us how to play and how to be present.
Friends of Kinetic Gate

We love animals and we’re stoked to contribute to the New Mexico Wildlife Center hospital.